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Always Be Closing
If there is one thing that’s the enemy, it’s unfinished business.
You can waste a lot of time and finish nothing.
I heard the saying from Steve Harvey; he reminded his listeners that they should “Always Be Closing”. He is ever working on deals even though his net worth is well over $100 million.
There is a mindset of finishing. You either have it, or you don’t.
Today’s office and workplace don’t help the finishing habit. You are ever waiting on follow-up emails and approvals. And things sit forever. There never seems to be an end to tasks.
But we can’t make excuses. I mean, we can, but it won’t get us anywhere. You have to become a closer.
The best closer I know in any field was Mariano Rivera, a hall-of-fame baseball pitcher. If you are a baseball fan, you know who he is.
If not, I will give you a brief explanation.
In baseball, the typical game is nine innings. When most teams are leading, they bring in a closer to get three outs and (hopefully) win the game. Being a closer is not easy because the game is on the line, and you are responsible for beating the best player in the world to accomplish that.
Mariano Rivera is widely regarded as the best closer of all time. He was automatic. Over a 19-year career…