Creating a Blueprint For Your Life

Martin Williams
10 min readMar 31, 2021


The power of systems is that it makes our lives easier.

I needed a new system for my life, so I discovered the Blueprint, a new course that is coming out at the end of April.

I have been working on this course for the better part of two years, and it’s something that I’ve been very excited and passionate about because I live my life this way. And I wanted to share it with the world because it helped me uplevel in multiple areas.

I was struggling for a long time.

I was struggling in my career, my finances, my relationships, and my health.

And I had a hard time functioning from day-to-day.

Simply put, I wasn’t happy with my life by any stretch of the imagination.

And I needed a change. I have always listened to personal development material. I’ve always been into it, whether Brian Tracy or Jim Rohn or Tony Robbins. And it kept me going, primarily through those dark seasons, because the information gave me hope.

I knew that there was a better life ahead for me, but I didn’t know how to realize it.

I got to the point where I decided I’m not getting any younger, and I need a change. I thought to myself “I need to make a change in my life.”

I started listening to Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Probably the best personal development book next to the Bible.

I started reading that book and listened to the audiobook. And what began emerging for me was a blueprint for life. And I realized that I needed a blueprint. I needed something that I could refer to when I found myself slipping or not staying on track and something that I can help other people with and help them get their lives back on track.

I needed a system that took much of the guesswork out of life because trial and error can be very time-consuming, expensive, and energy-draining. And you get to a point where you get tired of making the same mistakes over and over again.

So what is the Blueprint?

I divided the Blueprint into four major areas, and you may have heard these before. You may have heard them in different connotations or different orders or what have you. But this is something that I discovered, but the Blueprint’s core elements are something that it’s not new.

I believe most people live their lives this way, even though they don’t always realize it, even though they may not have delineated the steps the way I have.

But I’ve seen in my life that the Blueprint works, and I don’t think it works. I work it consistently.

The four parts to four parts are mindset, vision, planning, and execution. If you do them, these four steps will allow you to have virtually anything you want in this world, as long as it is possible. If it is possible, the Blueprint can help you get

That seems unreal.

And I would even say it’s a premise because it depends upon whether you do certain things.

But I have found that when I employ all four of these steps, things that I never thought were possible became possible and then became a reality.

Let’s start with mindset.

The first step is to remold or reshape your mind to fit the future you want. Let’s say you want to lose weight, get out of debt, or a new job.

But not just any job. You want your dream job. Let’s say you want a new relationship, but not just any relationship. You want a relationship with someone who is loving and kind and, you know like you want your dream partner, your soulmate.

You want a new car, or you want to take a trip or what have you. Mindset is about reshaping and remolding your mind to fit where it is you want to go.

Because as long as you’re thinking of a trip or a car or a new job as something you want, but you don’t have it right now, it can delay the manifestation.

It can delay the actual realization of that particular goal, whatever that goal is. So you might say, it doesn’t make sense because I don’t have it. Why would I say I do have it? It goes deeper than that because you reshape your mind as having that thing when you remold your mind. You no longer wish for it from a mental state.

Whatever you manifest, you first held in our mind.

The clothes that you’re wearing right now, the jewelry, maybe you’re wearing a watch.

The house you’re living in right now, the job you have right now, the relationship you have, or maybe don’t have right now, they were all figments of your mind in your imagination before they became fact. Right. Whether you dreamed about it or maybe it just popped up out of nowhere, but you accepted it in your mind.

However you want to describe it, it came into your mind before you had it in your hand. So if we know that everything works this way, why don’t you use it on purpose for what you want?

Now, I want to get into visualization in a moment, but people often talk about their goals as something that might happen. Start talking about it as if it’s already happened.

Start readjusting your mind to a place of having versus a place of wishing. So if you want to have the ideal weight, right? Start seeing yourself as that weight right now, but. Readjusting your mind to saying, OK, this is what I weigh now, so I’m willing to adjust my behavior to fit that weight, right.

And you start changing your eating habits, you know, maybe you’re not going to eat as much as you used to because, hey, I’m at this lower weight now. And so I’m going to eat as if I am at my ideal weight. Of course, these are things that you should run by your doctor.

Maybe you want to have a new car, and the thought is how I can readjust my mind having a new car when it’s not sitting in the driveway?

The new car sitting in the driveway is the end stage of it. But the beginning stage is to adjust your mind as if that car is sitting in your driveway.

What I would do is that I would go online and look at accessories for that car. So let’s say you want to own a Lamborghini. I will go online, and I would look at Lamborghini key chains or Lamborghini floormats. You know, or maybe find a Lamborghini club on Facebook and join it.

Start acting like a Lamborghini owner; you remold your mind and then remold your behavior to fit where you’re going.

And when you do that, something interesting begins to happen, you start seeing things that you never saw before, you start seeing opportunities that you never saw before, you start acting differently. You stop wishing, and you start walking in a place of confidence. And if you hold that long enough. You start attracting the resources to make it happen, and that’s what mindset is concerning the Blueprint. So the second step is vision, which runs kind of alongside mindset because once you remold your mind, you start seeing things you want to bring into your life.

And visualization is a concept that’s lasted thousands of years, right even back to the Bible; God told Abraham to look upon the sand of the beach; the sands of the beach are what your children will be because Abraham wanted a child. He ended up becoming a father of nations.

The three major religions in the world all point back to Abraham; he had to visualize.

In another place, God said to Abraham, all the land you see, I will give it to you. And that’s a rule of life. If you can see it, you can have it. If you can see that car in your driveway, you can have it. If you can see that new relationship, you can have it.

If you can see that “A” on the exam, you can have it.

It doesn’t matter how hard it’s been or how impossible people have told you it is. None of that matters because you’re dealing with universal law. You’re dealing with a principle that is higher than natural law.

You’re dealing with a law that supersedes time zones, government authorities, the money in your bank account, your credit score, or anything that you’ve ever done up to this point. That’s how vital visualization is. But if you don’t do it, then it doesn’t matter. But if you do it and it’s a part of this four-step process, if you visualize your end goal as if completed and continue to hold that vision, you will eventually realize it.

And it works time and again, and it’s worked for me. I’ve gotten jobs, I’ve gotten apartments, I’ve gotten into, you know, all kinds of various situations, not always positive, because I didn’t understand the power of it. But it works. It’ll work for you if you do it.

So the third step is to plan. Now, this might seem a little counterintuitive because, remember, the first step is we’re acting as if it already has happened.

You might say, “Why do I have to make a plan if it’s already happened?”

Well, because reality doesn’t happen in our mind, it happens in the real world.

Everything we’ve done up to this point, we’ve done on our mind.

But just because you visualize it in your mind doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily going to happen in your life. Many people imagine, but they never do anything because you have to make a plan.

The plan is all about organizing your activity in the direction you want to go because you have to do something now; you visualized and reframed your mindset. Now it’s time to take action. You might want to lose weight. But now you’ve got to go to the gym and start eating better.

The next portion of that is a timeline. I don’t want to spend ten years getting to my ideal weight.

We give our subconscious mind the date that we want this thing to happen.

Let’s think about getting a new car. I want to have this car in two months. I don’t want to wait two years for a car. I want to lose this weight by the end of the year. I want to find my soulmate in a relatively short time.

I want to have this job within a month because I have bills and obligations.

You’re giving dimensions to your dream. If you look at an actual blueprint in which people build things, you will see that there are measurements, specific structures, and certain boundaries to everything. Every room has a place to go.

The living room is here.
The kitchen goes there.
The upstairs bedroom is here — second bedrooms here, basements here. The Blueprint lays it all out.

And that’s what the plan is; it’s what, not how.

If I want a relationship, I’m not talking about a specific person, but I’m talking about a relationship where I’m respected and cared for and loved for who I am and not what I have.

I want a job where I’m respected and paid what I’m worth.

You list everything out. Always remember that when you’re making it out your plan it’s not how; it’s what.

That’s what I want. I want to do that.
I want to have that by this day, and that’s it.

OK, the final piece is execution. So plans are worthless until you do something. If you don’t do anything, then the plan is pointless.

Like I said, so there’s something you got to do.

You want to buy a car. Then you got to go down to the dealership and test drive it. And then they’re going to run your credit. They may say, your credit is not really where it needs to be to get this car, so you might need to improve your credit.

You may have to pay something off or what have you. You have to pay down your credit cards. There’s always an execution part, and sometimes you don’t know what you need to do until you see what you need to do. But when you know what you need to do, then you have to do it.

Like I said, if you want to lose weight. you got to go to the gym, you got to go through the workouts. You got to start augmenting your eating and other things that your doctor might tell you to do. If you want to get your business off the ground, how probably need to start talking to people, you got to create a product that people can buy, and you got to keep improving that product and doing the things you have to do to make it better.

So there’s always the execution part at the end of the day.

Many people will visualize, and they’ll do the mindset work, and they’ll do the planning and all that other stuff. And then they get to the execution part and freeze up.

Usually, people freeze up because they’re afraid.

Fear is the one thing that can stop a dream more than anything else. Even though fear is real, you can still execute.

Whenever I hit a mental block of fear, I tell myself that I fear God only; I don’t fear anything else.

And when I keep telling myself that I find the courage to do whatever it is that I need to do at that particular time.

So remember those four steps, mindset, vision, plan, execute. If you want to know more, you can preorder my blueprint course is coming soon.



Martin Williams
Martin Williams

Written by Martin Williams

Mental Skills Coach, also will talk buidling your business while working full time and sports, so be prepared.

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