Day 12: Is Self-Doubt a Mental Program?
When did we learn to start doubting ourselves?
Is self-doubt programmed into your mind?
Why would anyone make you want to doubt yourself?
How do you regain confidence in yourself?
As children, we learn our surroundings and how to navigate life. But as a rule, children have a healthy level of confidence. They believe in themselves because there is no one else to tell them otherwise.
Then multiple people (who usually mean well) come along to correct and tell you what to do, and all this does is confuse you and make you doubt yourself.
You rely less on your inner guidance and more on the opinions of others. As a result, you have less confidence in yourself and your abilities. Self-confidence has to be fed just like any living thing. When you stop feeding your faith, it starves and dies.
The more you do, the more confident you feel.
We build confidence on the back of our accomplishments. Taking action is how you get more confident. The more you do and succeed, the more comfortable you will feel. It’s a never-ending cycle.
How do you program the mind for confidence? You start with the expectation of successful execution. We can control the process easier than the outcome. Let’s take sales, for example.
The desired outcome is to get a sale. But that is more challenging to control. You have to consider customer behavior, need, market conditions, product, and competitors.
The outcome contains multiple factors out of your control.
You can control the process a lot easier.
You made the product as good as you could. Make sure your sales copy and presentation are solid. The social media messaging is excellent. You can be confident that you maximized the process, so the outcome often takes care of itself.
Emile Coue said it best, without confidence, you can not expect to accomplish much of anything in this life.
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