Feelings are Expensive
Money and Emotions Don’t Mix
When you don’t have money, that’s not the best feeling, especially when you need to pay something or a bill collector hounds you.
Controlling your emotions is a life hack unto itself, but removing your emotional attachment to money is life-changing.
I don’t feel money is evil. It’s neutral.
Money is a means to an end, a necessary evil if you will.
If money is a problem, consider your emotional response to money-related topics.
If money is short, does that feel good or bad? Most likely, it feels challenging or at least less than great.
The worse we feel, the less energy we can muster to do what we need or want to do.
So you have two options; either shift your mind to something positive or get off the subject of money.
Money will come back around because it is a prevalent part of our society.
You can’t get off the subject of money, especially when you have debt.
It’s a nice thought but not realistic.
What helped me was taking the emotion out of money. Good, bad, or indifferent.
Money is not our goal more often than not.
It is what we will do with the money that we want.
So remove the emotion from money altogether.
Why would you do that?
1. No Emotion, No Resistance — Resistance slows the flow of energy, which you need to do the things you need to do to improve your financial situation. Resistance shows as frustration, fear, confusion, general “I don’t give an F” energy. When your emotions drive your life, you inevitably feel bad, which increases resistance. Take away the feeling, and the resistance usually goes with it
2. Less Roller Coaster Experiences with Money — we feel good when we get a paycheck. We get to buy some stuff and pay some bills. Then inevitably, the money is gone, and the emotions we attach to money go with the amount we have in the bank. A lot of money and were happy. Little to no money? Not as comfortable, maybe even depressed. That’s a roller coaster, and you can detach your finances from it.
3. You Will Find More Peace — Peace is everyone’s goal, whether they realize it or not. If you’re tying your peace to money, you will probably not have much of either. Remove emotion from cash, which is one more minor obstacle to having peace in your life.
Is this is an easy thing? Probably not for most people. But it’s worth starting to move toward a non-emotional relationship with money.
Money is a means to an end; that’s it.