How to Start Visualizing Today
It’s always funny when people question whether visualization works.
Virtually everything we see was once a vision in someone’s mind. They chose to express the vision and make it real.
Your vision (good or bad), if continually visualized, clothes itself in reality.
I learned about visualization from Neville Goddard, his books and lectures are widely available on the Internet and a great way to learn about the power of the imagination.
Have you ever felt like you been to a particular place before? Even though you’ve never consciously gone? This is because you’ve visualized it countless times, so much so that you‘ve lost count.
We have the power to visualize anything we want, however, most people don’t use their power of visualization consistently which can contribute to dissatisfaction in virtually all areas of life.
If you don’t visualize on a regular basis, here are some tips to start flexing your visualization muscles.
- Start small — When people start learning how to harness their visualization power, they tend to visualize big stuff. There is nothing inherently wrong with this but I suggest starting small so you can gain confidence in your visualization abilities. If you want to visualize a million dollars, be my guest. But that might feel real to you at this moment. You are better off visualizing your favorite parking space or finding a dollar on the sidewalk. One fun exercise I did was visualizing a blue car with a particular make. So I visualized a blue Toyota in my mind over and over again, and sure enough I started seeing them everywhere. Once you master that stage of visualization, you can start tackling bigger challenges.
- Visualize Daily — We are busy people as it is and with the pandemic happening, we are busier than ever with added responsibilities, but if you want to get good at visualization, you have to treat it like anything else and practice daily. As previously said, start small, but be consistent. Setting aside 5–10 minutes daily to simply visualize the type of day you want to have or visualize your ideal life can pay off huge dividends down the line.
- Act on your visualizations — When you start visualizing consistently, what often happens is your intuition is activated. You feel hunches to go somewhere or do something. Act on this when it happens. By acting on your visualizations, you go from simply daydreaming to truly impacting your life. The more you do something in line with your visualization, the more you will want to visualize.
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Martin Williams is a performance coach who specializes in visualization and guided imagery.