How to Turn your Podcast into a Blog
So this is a quick tutorial on turning your podcasts into a blog. When we are producing content, we have a limited amount of time to do it. Few people have three or four hours a day to create content.
This is one way where we can multipurpose our content to reach the maximum amount of people. So you may produce a podcast may do a regular podcast or some audio content. And you might want to turn that into a blog that you can post on either your website or A quick and relatively inexpensive way to maximize your content.
So the first step is you’re going to record your file like I’m recording it now. And then, once you get done recording your file, you’re going to save it somewhere where you can easily find it.
Once you record that file and save it, you’re going to open up, a transcription website that automatically transcribes your audio into text. is one of the best automated transcription software that I’ve used. You can, of course, hire a transcriptionist. But this is a like I said, an inexpensive way to turn your audio into text.
Drag and drop your audio into Otter. Allow Otter to transcribe audio, it will take a few minutes.
Take that text and then edit it in Grammarly, which has a free version that you can use.
Let Grammarly do its thing.
And then, you can get ready to post it onto your blog. The whole process can take as little as 20 minutes. And then you have not only a podcast that you can post on Anchor, YouTube, or anywhere else. And then also you have a blog that you can post on to Medium.