Master the Fundamentals
A few years ago, I was struggling in my line of work; I wanted to change careers and get out of it.
I learned that it wasn’t time yet.
I needed to learn how to master where I was.
Grade school works like this; you can’t get to 5th grade until you pass 3rd and 4th. Everyone knows that.
But in life, I was trying to skip steps and not master every phase of my life.
We want to win so badly that we ignore the little things, the fundamentals that are necessary to win.
If you don’t learn addition, you can’t do multiplication
then you can’t do division or algebra
If you can’t do algebra, trigonometry and calculus will kick you behind.
I wanted more progress in my life, but the lack of fundamentals held me back.
I wasn’t working on my mindset
I wasn’t setting goals and writing them down daily
I did not have a game plan
I did not have a written budget
No wonder I wasn’t hitting my benchmarks
In a world of IG millionaires and trainers, it’s easy to think that you have superhuman things o have a great life. If you do a few simple things religiously in each area of your life, you will see consistent and increasing results.
Let’s take health, for example. What are five things that most people reading this can do for their health?
Eat fewer calories than you burn
Drink eight glasses of water every day
Walk for an hour
Do resistance training three days a week
Eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day
Doing these five things religiously every day puts you on track to better health.
How about finances? What are five things you can do to improve your money situation?
Spend less than you make
Create a second income
Save and invest a minimum of 10% from every pay
Save into a retirement account
Pay cash for everything
If you have a lot of debt, these things will look different. You may need to increase your income to pay it off. But the point is, you don’t need to take unnecessary chances or risks to master your finances.
If you were 100 pounds overweight, the doctor would likely tell you to do some variation of what I wrote on health.
Everything comes back to the fundamentals.