Sprint to Freedom November 2023 Cohort — Day 1
Start running toward freedom
Hey everyone, and thanks for tuning into the Sprint to Freedom Membership. This is day one, and I wanted to give you an idea of what to expect.
The Sprint to Freedom is a membership for people who want to start their own business, primarily people who are currently working nine-to-five jobs. This membership provides a community of like-minded people who are going after the same thing, as well as training and support.
I’m Martin Williams, and my dream is to go into mindset coaching full time. In this membership, I’m going to share my plan and challenge you to do the same.
For the next six months, we’re going to focus on creating content every day and creating an offer for people to purchase at the end of 30 days. I’m going to be transparent about my process, and I hope you can learn from me.
My biggest goal is for you to take action. I don’t care how you do it, I just want you to start moving towards your goal.
Taking consistent action is how you’re going to win this thing. If you publish every single day and put out a product every 30 days, you’re going to make progress.
The best thing about publishing and creating products is that you get data from the marketplace. The marketplace tells you what it wants. Once you create a product and get feedback, you can use that data to create a better version.
It’s so simple. You ask, why don’t more people do it? I think some of it is mindset. A lot of people are afraid to fail. But if you never take action, you’re never going to succeed.
So, that’s what we’re going to do in this membership. We’re going to take action, and we’re going to support each other along the way.
I’m excited to start this journey with you.
Learn more about Sprint to Freedom here: https://gameplanplaybook.com/sprint-to-freedom/