Start Winning Saturdays to Build Your Side Hustle

Martin Williams
4 min readJun 14, 2020


If you want to build a side hustle that will overtake your work income to the point that could leave your job, you need to maximize the weekends.

Especially Saturday.

You’ve worked all week and the first thing you probably want to do is rest, play games, watch movies take a nap, or see friends. None of those things are bad, you’ve earned some downtime and YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!

But if your goals are bigger, you need to make some decisions.

You need to decide that where you are going is more important than 2 hours on the PS4, Facebook, or Netflix.

You win Saturdays by having a plan and committing to it.

You win Saturdays by working first and playing later.

You win Saturdays by automating and delegating as much as possible so your business is operational while you work during the week.

Most people who desire time and money freedom are tethered to a job for consistent income. They have to stay at that job because they can’t afford to leave.

This may be you.

You might even like your job but know that you are meant to do more.

Either way, your issue is you are not financially prepared to leave your job if you choose.

So the decision has to be made, that you are going to create multiple streams and that you will use your weekends to do it.

Once you’ve made the decision, the next step is coming up with a plan.

If you are going to start a side hustle, you will need a website (Squarespace, Wix, or Wordpress is fine). If you don’t want to build a website right now, then you can start a Facebook fan page and send people there.

In order to generate income online, you need 4 things

  • A platform to get attention and convert prospects into customers
  • A product or service
  • A way for people to pay for it
  • A place for people to get their questions answered and/or problems solved

If you don’t have these 4 things, you are not ready to constantly earn money online.

Here is my plan:

If you don’t have these things, then use your Saturdays to build them.

1. A platform to get attention and convert prospects

If you can afford to outsource the technical stuff, please do so. It will save time.

Get your website handled, that’s step 1, the platform to get attention.

Create a social media account on Instagram and Facebook. If you feel more comfortable with Twitter then by all means use that too.

Use Hootsuite, Buffer, or another service that allows you to schedule social media posts ahead of time.

Write posts and download images a week ahead of time so they are ready to go on Sunday. You can find great social media visuals on Canva and Envato Elements. Envato costs $29/month but to me, it is worth it.

What should I post? How often?

Social media is a great way to connect with prospects even if they never buy anything. The key thing is to provide value. If you do this, people will come back over and over again.

What is valuable? A solution to a problem. A kind word. Encouragement. An easier way to do something. Think along these lines.

Think about your ideal customer.

If you are a real estate agent, it is a prospective buyer.

If you do makeup, it is usually a female who either desires to her own makeup or become a makeup artist herself.

If you are a coach, it is usually people who are struggling to break through in their lives in one or more areas.

If you a streaming gamer, your audience is either a fan, a fellow gamer who is looking to get better, or perhaps become a streamer as well.

Once you know who your audience is, every post should be about them. You are speaking to them.

These are your people.

Aim to post twice a day, minimum. This is why you’d want to write and schedule on the weekends.

2. Produce your Product and/or Service

I won’t spend too much time here, but if you have a book or audio to sell, use your Saturdays to clean that up and have it ready to go out to the masses.

If you’re selling a course, Teachable is a great place to build it. It’s super easy and intuitive. Podia is great as well.

If you don’t want to pay, you can build that bad boy in Google Slides for free.

People care about the information not how they get it.

If you are a service provider, the service is the product, so show people examples of your work.

Your best work.

Offer a first-time discount to entice people to give you a try. As a service provider, use Instagram to distinguish yourself as local. If you’re a trainer in Atlanta, use the hashtags #Atlanta or #AtlantaTrainer in your posts so people know that you’re in the area.

Host free gatherings to build your list and connect with people for future business.

3. A Way to Pay

This should go without saying, but if people don’t have a way to pay you then you won’t make money online. Most payment gateways are easy to set up and you may be using them now anyway.



Cash app


All are good, just pick one.

4. A place for people to get their questions answered and/or problems solved

This is where a website is helpful because people can just congregate there. Facebook is good too because everyone is already there and can just send a message.

Spend 3–4 hours on Saturday getting these 4 things up and running. Then you can start building.



Martin Williams
Martin Williams

Written by Martin Williams

Mental Skills Coach, also will talk buidling your business while working full time and sports, so be prepared.

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