Stop Waiting To Live
Today, I posted the following question in a Facebook group in which I belong.
I expected some of the answers.
“ I would travel
I’d open _____ business
I’d help the less fortunate “
Some were not expected, lol
“I’d be a hit-man.”
One man even accused me of trying to sell people on a upsell to a course, which I wasn’t.
I think the thing that got to me was the overwhelming sense of “I’d love to do that…one day.”
No judgment because I was the king of “one day.”
But in a time like this where nothing is guaranteed, the overreliance on tomorrow was bothersome to read.
One woman said she’d work on her candle business.
I replied to ask if she was making candles now, she said no.
I encouraged her to start making them again, even if only for herself.
I genuinely believe every day we spend not living in our purpose is a wasted day.
I get the reality of life, bills, family, obligations that make choices like going full throttle into work you love, complicated.
But what if you set aside an hour a day to do what you love, at first for yourself then as you gain confidence, in the service of others.
I think you’d be happier and feel more fulfilled. Ultimately, the world would be a more joyful place too.
Let’s stop waiting for tomorrow. Life is now; it’s time to live it.