The Mind is the Original Computer
The mind is the original computer. And computers can only run the programs loaded onto their hard drive.
Most people who chronically struggle financially run a program that limits the amount of money they believe they can attain.
Working harder won’t fix it. Winning the lottery won’t change it either.
It takes a complete re-coding of the mind to accept the level of prosperity you want in your life.
I recall going to friends’ houses where the family had more money than my family. I never felt comfortable. My financial psychology was screaming at me.
I was scared I’d break or spill something.
That type of thinking followed me for years. I was putting too much onus on the money in my pocket and doing nothing to change my mindset.
I recently purchased a car, and even though I had guaranteed approval, I still felt unease in the process.
I work very hard, and I deserve to drive what I want. But still, my mindset was doing its best to undo my decision.
At that moment, my money code reared its ugly head. I had a broke mindset, and it was doing everything it could to get me out of there.
I did get out of there, with my new car.
I recognized what was happening and stopped it in its tracks.
I’m not ashamed to say that I have felt more at ease having nothing than having a lot at times. You don’t have much further to fall when you don’t have anything. But the more I accumulated, the more I feared losing it all.
That was my financial code. My mental code was for just enough; any less than that, I would scramble to have enough. Any more and I would make poor decisions that brought me back to my baseline.
Many people (including me) try to outwork their mental code in multiple areas, and it never works. You will always come back to your baseline expectation concerning anything.
The key is changing mental coding around money.
A broke psychology cannot attract lasting prosperity.
Changing the Code
The way you change your financial psychology is simple, but it takes work.
First, you have to clean your mental hard drive of all of your broken money beliefs.
Yes, you have to break up with them all. Your financial psychology is why you can’t save, invest and hold on to the money you make and why you continue to live paycheck to paycheck. These thoughts have held you and your money hostage for years.
Your beliefs program you to do so.
A simple statement of renouncing every limiting and negative money belief will bring relatively quick changes.
Then you must affirm and accept new empowering money beliefs.
Here are a few
I always have more than enough money to do what I need and want
I easily afford every bill and pay my bills on time and in full.
I easily save 10% of my check and do not touch it
I enjoy making money as much I enjoy spending it
Making money is easy for me, and I make, enjoy, save and invest a lot of it.
If you continually run those programs day after day, you will see a difference.
Your mind will run any program you give it; why not give it programs that will help you live an amazing life?