The Story of Me

Martin Williams
4 min readAug 22, 2019


I was born in one of the roughest neighborhoods in Brooklyn. I only lived there until I was 5. Then my mother and I set off to Delaware then Virginia where we stayed until I completed high school then college. I was a shy kid;

I didn’t want to be seen, or stand out. I just wanted to blend in. But there was nothing about me that blended in. I was a tall black kid in a predominantly white community. The struggle for me was finding my place in the world. You could say I had social anxiety. I did not like meeting people or getting out of my comfort zone.

So I would daydream a lot. I would use my imagination to escape the pain of my world. It was powerful. I found joy in imaginal journeys. I couldn’t stay in that mode. I had to live in the real world. But I have always sought the ideal life. I wanted a cool life where I could be me and still live amazingly. I would watch people on TV and read in magazines and wonder why can’t I live like that? Why can’t I be rich and famous? Why can’t do what I love and have an amazing wife and family? I’ve always had these dreams. So I set to make it happen.

I wanted to have everything I did not have as a child, financial stability; I wanted to be in love, I wanted to have lots of fun but more than anything, I wanted the freedom to live the way I wanted to.

I dealt with a lack of resources and people who did not truly understand me. I was also confused, not sure how I would accomplish the life I wanted.

Life has a way of happening. I got married and then divorced. Became a father, and that relationship did not work either. Then I found myself alone in an apartment going to a job I hated and desperately seeking a way out. I went from wanting a fantastic life to settle for an average one. I amassed a ton of debt, gained a lot of unwanted weight, and generally unhappy every day. I was nowhere near my goals and gelt myself getting further and further away from them. Perhaps you can relate. I knew there was something better for me, but I didn’t know how to bring it into my life.

One day I decided to start writing every day. About a wide variety of topics. But every day, I would write something. In that time, which I wrote daily (with a few exceptions) for over a year, the Blueprint began to emerge.

I used my imaginal gift to create a different life.

I realized that a great life doesn’t just happen. I used to think people were so lucky (or blessed) to have the life they wanted. I learned that great lives don’t just happen. Yes, some people are born with enormous advantages.

They are born into healthy families, significant wealth, inherit great looks, and personalities. But there is nothing I could do about that. I could do something about my life right now. I could do something about me. I had an opportunity to create the experience I wanted truly. I had the chance to create a new blueprint.

So I set out to create a new blueprint for my life. What did I want my life to look like: What type of work did I want to do , how much abundance did I want to have, How do I want to feel everyday, where did I want to live, what type of woman did I want to be with, what did I desire for daughter, I wrote out all of this out. But writing is not enough.

I realized that merely listing the things you want is a good start, but it doesn’t come anywhere close to producing what you want in your life. I needed to go back to school and finish my master’s degree. I had no extra money with which to accomplish this. There were several constraints that made it difficult to afford. I thought then, why try out my Blueprint?

I began to write daily affirmations that I had my master’s degree. I began to visualize myself getting my degree. I did this daily. I started to talk as if I had my degree. I also did something essential; I did what I could at that moment. I executed where it was possible. I decided which courses to take. I registered for classes even though I had no money. The classes ultimately canceled, but that was ok. I knew I was inching closer.

Finally, within a year, I had more than enough money to finish school, and I did just that. The Blueprint had worked.

I’ve used the Blueprint to lose weight, find better employment, discover a greater purpose for my life, and increased happiness.

I awakened to the realization that I could create a new life if I followed a blueprint. Things changed for me. I’ve decided to help others create a blueprint for their lives.



Martin Williams
Martin Williams

Written by Martin Williams

Mental Skills Coach, also will talk buidling your business while working full time and sports, so be prepared.

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