Words are Containers
The first time I learned about the power of words was probably in college. I was always broke and needed something, but I started reading the Game of Life and How to Play It, written by Florence Scovel Shinn. And I realized that my words had power.
I say affirmations daily; contrary to what some might say, they work.
But I didn’t realize why they worked until recently.
Think of words like containers; they attract what you need at the point you need them. The wisdom, knowledge, and ability are all attached to the word you speak.
So when you say things like I am having money problems, you are attracting money problems. But not just the issues themselves, the decision-making, habits, and actions (or lack thereof) to ensure you will continue to have those money challenges.
Our words contain the power we need to accomplish what we say.
Speak what you want, and you eventually create what you wish to.
Continue speaking about what you don’t want, and you will create that, too, eventually.
What happens when you say nothing? You create nothing.
The law is simple.
Your words are attracting your life: good, bad or indifferent.
If you want something different, you have the right and responsibility to create it yourself. You create this primarily through your spoken word, which directly reflects your thoughts.
The reason that affirmations don’t work for many people is that they don’t really think or believe like that, so the words don’t have nearly the amount of power they could.
This is why mindset work has to be continual.
Whatever you have or are experiencing now directly results from your dominant thoughts.
You think and then speak from those dominant thoughts, attracting the equivalent of those thoughts. It’s so simple yet often misunderstood or ignored.